Introduction to Restorative Justice

In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of restorative justice (RJ), looking at the definition of the phrase and the history behind it, along with the indigenous values and principles restorative practices are based on. Participants will partake in an activity to spur rethinking justice and how we define it as individuals and a society. They will also take an in-depth look at trauma and harm, how that impacts individuals, families, and communities, and the benefits restorative justice brings to assisting in healing.
On day two, participants will look at restorative approaches around the globe, how to develop restorative approaches, and applying RJ values to our own lives.
Participants will experience activities created by Let's Circle Up, the first prison restorative justice workshop created by incarcerated people themselves.

Trainer: Barbie Fischer is Executive Director of Restorative Encounters, a non-profit association of practitioners around the globe offering training and capacity-building in the field of restorative justice. Ms. Fischer has almost 20 years of experience in restorative justice, working in community and program development with various organizations and government agencies around the world. Known for her engaging workshops and presentation, she has guest lectured, presented numerous workshops, and conducted countless trainings on restorative justice, practices, and trauma healing for communities, universities, non-profits and government agencies. Her passion is uncovering restorative ways to heal trauma at all levels of society and sharing that information with others.